The Past
The House of Consciousness is a historical pillar inside the city of Norfolk, Virginia.
It is originally known under the name The Self-Development Center which was
founded by the communities beloved ancestor Brother George.
In 2010, the business was officially converted into what is now known as the
The HoC now acts as a refuge for lost history, ancient cultures, revived movements,
and an untraditional school of thought.

The Present
Currently, the House of Consciousness sits deep within the heart of Norfolk, Virginia.
At 633 W 35th street, the HoC acts as a bookstore, ritual shop, health emporium,
venue, classroom, temple, and ALL VEGAN restaurant.
It holds a variety or stones and herbs that can be used for healing,
protection, or clarity. Many speakers rotate through this portal as many patrons
rummage through the businesses confines hoping to to find a hidden gem
so it may be exposed definitively to their own consciousness.
But what brings most people together is Jikoni Cafe'.
That is the hallmark of the HoC's existence. This all vegan dine-in facility
is famous for serving an original meat-substitute dish called Kush,
which is an African grain originating from the mediterranean region.
Still, in the mean time and in-between time, the HoC gives many free classes open
to the public as well as lectures executed by nationally recognized teachers.
The Future
The House of Consciousness looks to move forward in it's endeavors
by growing in impact, influence and intelligence.
Through the books and artwork the HoC will enlighten the people,
through the oils and herbs it will heal them,,
through the crystals and classes it will protect them,
and through the kitchen it will fuel many to work towards evolution.